February 9, 2024

7 Growth Hacking Examples to Skyrocket Your Conversions

Jack Born
I am the Founder & CEO of Deadline Funnel & Voma, two SaaS products that help course creators increase sales.

Growth hacking is the process of making small incremental changes in your marketing and business to get rapid results and gains for your business. This article outlines seven powerful conversion hacks we use in our companies, and have shared with thousands of other creators to help grow their sales too.

In this article, we'll explore practical examples that every marketer should know to maximize sales and drive business growth. At the bottom of the page, I’ve even added in a bonus 8th tip and a free resource that helped us save 22% of the abandoned carts in our company Deadline Funnel… and I show you below how to get the exact 3 emails and strategy we used so you can copy & paste the same strategy in your business.

Ready to dive in?

Understanding Growth Hacking

Growth hacking is about finding innovative and unconventional strategies to accelerate business growth. These tactics often involve leveraging technology and data to achieve fast results. Below we'll dive into seven actionable examples that can supercharge your conversion rates and drive revenue.

Use this list to identify something you can test in your business this week.

And use it to get new ideas for other tests you can run to increase conversions, boost sales and get more clients for your business.

1. Triple Your Sales with 3 Emails On The Last Day

Sending three emails on the last day of your evergreen campaign can significantly boost sales. This proven tactic capitalizes on the urgency of impending deadlines, prompting customers to take action before it's too late. And there’s a big reason why this is ALWAYS the first thing I recommend to creators when they’re trying to get more sales for their courses and membership programs. Because… it just works.

2. Optimize Countdown Timer Visibility

Hide the countdown timer on your sales page until the deadline is three days away. By strategically timing the visibility of the countdown timer, you create a sense of urgency without overwhelming potential customers too early in the sales process.

3. Harness the Power of Faces in CTAs

Adding a face near your call-to-action (CTA) can dramatically increase engagement. Humans are naturally drawn to faces, making them a powerful tool for capturing attention and driving conversions. Learn how to implement this strategy using Deadline Funnel.

4. Personalize Deadline Text in Emails

Insert personalized deadline text in your emails to create a sense of urgency tailored to each recipient. This hyper-personalized approach reinforces the limited-time nature of your offer, compelling customers to act before it's too late. For example, it’s way better to be specific and tell someone “This offer comes off the table forever on Friday, February 9th @ 11:59 PM” rather than “expiring soon” or “this offer goes away tomorrow”

5. Spotlight Compelling Testimonials

Feature your best testimonials prominently on your sales page, especially right before mentioning the price. Seeing real-life success stories can help prospects envision themselves achieving similar results, making them more likely to make a purchase. And when they can imagine themselves getting what they want just before they see the price, they can immediately do the math in their head whether the result is worth the cost. And if you’re outcome is clear & compelling, that’s almost always a “hell yeah it’s worth it!”

6. Future Pace with Testimonial Spotlights

Use testimonial spotlights to help prospects imagine the positive outcomes of purchasing your product or service, as well as the potential consequences of not buying. This technique taps into the power of visualization to drive conversions.

7. Leverage Personalized Deadline Text on Sales Pages

Harness the effectiveness of personalized deadline text on your sales page to create a sense of urgency and scarcity. Personalization features make it easy to implement this highly effective strategy and increase sales.

Your Path to Conversion Optimization Success

Ready to implement these growth hacking examples in your business? 

Download our exclusive Abandoned Cart Saver™ playbook to access even more CRO (conversion rate optimization) strategies and take your business to new heights.

Instant Download: Abandoned Cart Saver™ Playbook

By incorporating these seven growth hacking examples into your marketing strategy, you can unlock the full potential of your sales funnel and drive exponential revenue growth. Consistency compounds, and it’s usually not a single growth hack that makes all the difference…

Rather, it’s tweak after tweak… hack after hack… tactic after tactic…

…layered on top of one another over time, that can make the difference in your sales & marketing.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your conversion optimization efforts and achieve unparalleled success.

Pick a tactic. Implement it today. Measure the results. Repeat.

That’s it.

See you on the trail.